Thursday, August 03, 2017

Gaming Ladies

Not so long ago I made the illustration for the poster of a feminist event in Barcelona.
I just wanted to help a little group of girls to have a good poster to have better impact.
As far as I knew, in an previous edition they were not very successful.
The poster image was uploaded to the social networks and people started to share it everywhere. I like to think that I might have contributed to that in some extent. ;-)
As usual in the videogame industry, (with feminist related things) the event caused a lot of controversy and the poster has gone around all over the internet. xD
Because of this, the event was canceled at first, but finally was held with new sponsors.
I´m very happy with the outcome of the event because the message reached so many people. :-)
A lot of people thinking in the meaning of gender equality.

You can find the Gaming Ladies official account here:
Gaming Ladies on Twitter.

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